Services & Development

  To serve as a platform for Members to share knowledge, contribute ideas, and uphold good and ethical standards of conduct and professionalism in Business Events.

 To represent and make known the interest and aspirations of its Members to government, other industries, the media and the public.

 To promote the development of Business Events through the support of its orderly and sustainable growth in Sarawak.

 To encourage and foster cooperation among Members in matters of common interest.

 To facilitate opportunities for Business Events learning, research, development and advocacy among Members and to the public.

 To own properties and assets for the interest of its Members.

 To be affiliated to and accept affiliations from associations and other bodies associated with general events and / or business events which shall be beneficial to Members subject to reciprocal arrangements and terms of affiliation.

 To do all other things deemed necessary by the Association to be incidental or conducive to the attainment of the Objectives for the betterment of its Members .